Dexter Sway Control

Dexter Sway Control System Enhances Safety

A huge gust of wind, displaced airflow from a passing semi-trailer, or a sudden swerve causes trailers and caravans to sway dangerously, possibly resulting in loss of control of both the tow vehicle and trailer. Dexter Axle provides peace of mind with Dexter Sway Control, a safety device that automatically stabilises the sway of a trailer or caravan, keeping you in control.

  • Continuously monitors trailer yaw – side-to-side movement, left and right of the tow vehicle.
  • Powerful, rapid processing capability captures the critical elements that affect sway conditions,
    then uses the information to sense how the sway will proceed without driver intervention.
  • Uses the data collected in the event of sway to apply the brakes on the correct side of the trailer in
    a timely manner and with the proper braking level required based on sway conditions.
  • Works independently of the tow vehicle to dampen the trailer sway, quickly bringing the trailer under control
  • Two Year Limited Warranty.

LED Status Light

RED/GREEN LED light on a10’ lead for mounting in an easily seen location to show the functional status of the unit with different flashing modes for diagnostic troubleshooting.

Automatic system disable in off-road conditions

The module continuously monitors the sway sensor to detect and activate during trailer sway. It also is able to determine rough terrain during which it disables the sway control braking until exiting the rough terrain at which time the system re-enables.

Alternate side braking technology

Next generation technology promptly detects trailer sway and responds by applying EITHER the left or right brakes dampening the sway more quickly than other systems that apply brakes on both sides at the same time.
Trailer sway brake level auto adjustment
Closed-loop sensory feedback allows the system to independently increase or decrease the right or left side brake levels to respond appropriately to the severity of the conditions to dampen the sway.
Fully sealed, water resistant
The system is fully sealed and water resistant.

Independent Sway Control Testing At Bosch Proving Grounds

Trailer sway tested by truck steering left and right at 50 MPH